Mushroom Cultivation

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want to earn more along with your profession.You can generate a good amount of passive income.Its mushroom culture.A subject matter that falls under horticultural sciences.It can be done inside our houses itself within a very small place.A very small amunt of labour is required here.

                                             One can contact agencies dealing with the mushroom cultivation and these agencies even provide them the inoculum for the culture.commonly known as seeds.The inoculum can also be obtained from reliable market.

The inoculum is used for growing mushrooms further.First by selecting good quality of straw.Basicly the straw of the rice plant is prefered.In assam,moreover the oyster variety of mushrooms are good according to the climatic condition.

After cutting the straws in a size of one inch or so,one have to soak the straws in  boiling water.after that we must dry those straws in shade for a short period of time.After its moisture remains and water dries.We have to tightly insert those straws and between them the seeds must be placed.the inoculum placed must be between the straws,a gap of about 2 inch is necessary.And then filled inside a plastic bag.the filled bag must be closed with rope on the top and should be kept in a undisturbed dark room for 15 days.After that we have to dug holes in those levels of mushroom inoculum placed.It can be done with sterilized and pointed bamboo stick.After all these hang the bags inside a room away from sunlight and moist condition is prefered.

One must continue to water those mushrooms with the help of syringes.the syringes must be used to pintch the plastic bags and then the water must be pushed in depemding on the water level.
After all thease the mushroom grows as shown in the picture and shoud be harveseted with a sterilized blade.
The investment of mushroom is 20 gms per bags and production is 2-3 thousand gms per bag CONCLUSIONEasy for cultivation mushroom is a good source of generating passive income and part-tiume buisness.its also agood source of ffod,alternate to meat items.And more enrched with proteins.
in the below site of amazon you can get oyster mushroom<iframe style="width:120px;height:240px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="//"></iframe>


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